Zokya Media Apps

Reality Reboot 0.1.2
Zokya Media
What we let out of us emotionally isasimportant to health and longevity as what goes in tousnutritionally. These unique guided meditations have been createdtoallow stress-relief based on common emotions peoplefeelfrequently, but don’t off-load regularly. This app allows youtofirst find and acknowledge what you are feeling, and thenchoosethe right meditation for you.Because our brains consume an estimated 20% of all the energy weusedaily, Reality Reboot provides the choice to either pause,restoreand dissolve fatigue, OR, release emotional congestionandaccumulated stress - depending on what you need.Using visualization and focus on breath and body awareness youareguided to a state of relaxation that can be accessed inshortbursts, so you can weave downtime into your dailyroutine.